Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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2 entries this month

01:00 Mar 12 2016
Times Read: 669

Sisters. We talk to each other like no others. We are open, hot temp, cruel even with each other. But know when the chips are down they will be there. We have seen it many times over the past ten years. Over a lifetime.

So today history was made. For the first time a piece of property was sold.

Take a second and let it sink in- land was sold.

Not by choice of the sisters but because the one sister who isn’t like the others.

Today the father would of given a deep sigh, and the mother a head shake.

Raised to keep any land you are/was/ were able to purchase as it is the only thing not being made. Car? Replace it. Home? Can be built, replaced. But land? Land is something you keep once you got your hands on it.

Today- land was sold.

Not because the sister’s wanted it, but because it is the way life has turned out. And it did not come as a surprised, the actions of the one.

Sad, thus a sigh by the father for losing the property.

But the mother? While she would also dislike the sell she would have been shaking her head because of how it turned out. She would of smiled, drop that head and just gave it a little shake.

Both would have been proud, knowing they had given at least three of the children the common sense of seeing what was in the fog, what was being hidden by the snake in the grass.

They made the parents proud today, knowing they will stand together.



03:10 Mar 12 2016

Yes your Dad would have been disgusted and angry by what was forced to happen but the end result would have made him chuckle too and proud of how the 3 stayed strong and fought.


13:42 Mar 07 2016
Times Read: 692

The Walking Dead from last night. Giving myself some time to wake up this morning at work, slow slow day- I was reading some of the articles about last night show.

Carol. Love the way she changed. From a beaten housewife afraid of her hubby, to a mother who lost her child to a zombie bite, to a flat out killer. Other then Rick, she was the first real killer in the show. Maybe even before. When she burned the bodies to keep the illness contained... yes sir, marked the 'change' that I saw Carol as anything but a true killer.

So why does everyone see her need to stay with Maggie, to keep Maggie safe such a big deal? Me? And I watched the same show you did but I think Carol stayed back so she didn't have to kill anymore humans. I saw it in a different light then anyone else. 18. Magic number, she knows she is losing it. Leaving the cookie on the little boy's grave, defending Morgan. She is changing back to a woman who doesn't want to kill.

Maggie was fine. Yes, she had a point Maggie shouldn't of been there- the whole "Mother" of us all.... but when you see Carol fight with Rick about Maggie and he said "Fine, stay" the look on her face? Relief she wouldn't have to kill, add to the number in that book.

And Maggie. Sorry but you did not get the gang into this fight. Our favorite country boy did that when he told Jesus the group would fight, kill for the supplies Hilltop was paying the other group to stay away. You just wrote the deal up girl, our Daryl make the call. Knowing Rick would get behind it- but you, sweet little Maggie, the point of "I got them into it- I have to go." was as wrong as can be.

Glenn. Poor Glenn. There is a man who changed after last night show. Will he ever be the same?

Father Gabriel. Now that is a scary man. Next to Glenn knife use on the sleeping men in the cots, his own preaching death talk had me rubbing my arms, goosebumps.

And what the heck? No one see the concrete blocks? The jail cell door Morgan was building? Right? "What is Morgan doing?" Was it not clear he was building a jail cell? Like he himself was held in a while back in the cabin with the goat? Is it for him? Or others??? Guess we wait and see.

Ok- had to get that off my chest. Thinking the blood will flow in the last few shows. Carol might take the bullet to keep Maggie safe, to atone for her killings in the past.

Glenn might come to the death he has in the comic books if i remember right- the wired baseball bat, right?

And is anyone else thinking the two that left on the supply run in the little van type thing could be caught too? Follow and captured?

And what of the two on the motorbike? Stolen when Daryl let his guard down? Do we see them again? Or did we- in the photos on the wall of busted heads of humans, not zombies?

Cheer up Glenn. Thinking your guilt of killing the human's will leave you very soon. I just hope you live to see you did the right thing.

Or did they, by the actions of last night? They got a whole lot of weapons now, if they can get out. And cars. Sure some food. Will wait and see how it plays out now that Maggie and Carol is in the hands of the latest evil.



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